Cabarrus College assists students with physical, psychological and learning disabilities in fulfilling the curriculum’s fundamental requirements by accessing reasonable accommodations to ensure that they have equal access to educational opportunities at the College.
Students with physical, psychological and learning disabilities may have a need for reasonable accommodations throughout their enrollment. Regardless of circumstances, students wishing to request accommodations must self-identify and meet with Dr. Zellua Sistrunk-Moore as soon as they wish to request services. Though requests of accommodations can be made at any time, to ensure the accommodation is in place prior to a semester starting, all requests should be made at least two weeks prior.
Downloadable Forms
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Form
Waiver of Accommodation(s) Form
Step-by-Step Process for Students
- Student completes the “Request for Accommodations” section of the “Accommodations for Students with Disabilities” Form.
- Student makes an appointment with their healthcare provider and has the provider complete the “Documentation of Disability” section of the “Accommodations for Students with Disabilities” Form.
- Student delivers the accommodations paperwork to Dr. Sistrunk-Moore, who will discuss the accommodations process, expectations, and next steps with the student.
Dr. Sistrunk-Moore has two weeks to process the paperwork.
- Dr. Sistrunk-Moore will send a letter to the student via protected email detailing their accommodations for the year. Note that students will receive one letter in the Fall and one in the Spring due to courses changing after Winter Break. Students taking summer courses will receive a letter at that time, as well.
- Once the letter has been sent, the student’s accommodations are active.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often do I need to request accommodations?
- Once per academic year.
Do I need to have a healthcare provider complete the “Documentation of Disability” section of the form every time I request accommodations?
- The “Documentation of Disability” section should be completed every 3 years by a medical provider for Cabarrus College students and every 5 years for Cabarrus Health Sciences Institute (Early College) students.
What are some examples of common accommodations?
- Examples include, but are not limited to: Distraction Reduced Environment for Testing, Extended Time on Tests, Extended Time on Assignments, Preferential Seating, Access to Food and Drink at all times, and Unrestricted bathroom breaks during class.
Are all accommodations recommended by my provider available at Cabarrus College.
- Not Necessarily. Dr. Sistrunk-Moore will work with you, your faculty, and your provider if questions arise.
Can I ever waive my accommodations?
- You must complete the “Waiver of Accommodation(s)” Form 24 hours before the assignment if you wish to waive an accommodation. This form is given to your instructor. You must complete a form every time you wish to waive an accommodation.
Can I have temporary accommodations?
- Accommodations vary in length, as recommended by your provider.
Will my accommodations apply to clinicals or fieldwork?
- Not necessarily. Due to the nature of clinical experiences, certain accommodations may not be possible. Dr. Sistrunk-Moore will work with you, your clinical instructor/site, your faculty, and your provider if questions arise.
How does Dr. Sistrunk-Moore notify faculty of students with accommodations?
- Dr. Sistrunk-Moore will send you a letter via Protected Trust. It is important that you open this letter right away. If you choose to print the letter, it must be kept in a locked drawer or cabinet.
When are faculty notified of students with accommodations?
- Generally, you will be notified the first week of class each semester. Keep in mind that accommodations can come at any time and that there is a two-week window for processing.
If a student without accommodations comes to me with a request for accommodations what should I do?
- Send them to Dr. Sistrunk-Moore and she will begin the process. Under no circumstance should a faculty member provide accommodations without a letter of approved accommodations from Dr. Sistrunk-Moore.
What should I do if a student chooses to waive their accommodations for an assignment?
- Collect the waiver form from the student. Make a copy of the form and provide one copy to Dr. Sistrunk-Moore and another copy for your records. You can send the form via ,, or deliver it to Room 314.
- I have a student in my class with an accommodation for distraction-reduced environment or extended time for testing. How do I go about organizing this accommodation for the student?
- Your program chair will work with Digital and Instructional Innovation to get the student’s extended time added to ExamSoft. They can assist you with adding extended time if you use a different testing software. The Testing Coordinator will work with you to ensure that students have a distraction-reduced environment to test.